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Below are the video and slide decks for all the General Session keynote presentations on Thursday, May 12th, 2016 at New York Marriott Marquis, New York, NY.

General Sessions (On Demand)

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

Attract, Sell, Wow – Date Your Leads, Marry Your Customers with Lifecycle Marketing
Ramon Ray
Technology Evangelist
Key Takeaways
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Every business owner wants to attract more customers, convert prospects to sales and want more referrals from customers. Ramon shares how the three principles of “Attract, Sell, Wow” can help your business upgrade its marketing and sales processes and bring in more sales. Marketing and sales can be tough. However, by following these simple principles Ramon helps small business owners and entrepreneurs better understand how they can improve their marketing and get better results. By attending Ramon’s session – you’ll learn specific best practices to attract more leads (prospective customers). You’ll learn that selling is really about further educating the customer. Finally, Ramon will share with you the importance of wowing customers so they buy from you again and refer business to you.
Key Takeaways

Lifecycle marketing is about attracting, selling and wowing!

Why should you attract? Because most people don’t know about your company. With demographics, you can target your customers. With psychographics, you learn how your customers think. Video is powerful. Think about creating your own channel. Attract interest and collect leads. Think of yourself as a tribe builder. Think of yourself as a publisher. And remember, design matters. Instead of asking potential customers to “subscribe” to your newsletter, offer them the chance to “sign up for (insert value add here).”

Selling is educating. What do your customers care about? Remind your customers that they need your services. Know what your offer is and know when to make the offer. Do your homework and know what stage of the selling cycle your customers are in. You need to educate them when they are hot. Educate. Offer. Close.

How do you WOW your customers? Deliver value, offer more and get referrals. Help your sales team deliver and delight your customers. Remember the value of touch points. Consider a welcome phone call. Up sell, cross sell and get referrals.

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Keeping up with the Mobile-first Consumer
Pete Grubb
VP, Enterprise Channels
Key Takeaways
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The rise of the mobile-first consumer provides a greater-than-ever opportunity for brands to build loyalty, enhance their competitive position and increase revenues through personalized mobile services delivered to the right customer, at the right time, on their path-to-action. However, the delivery of these types of services relies on consumer willingness to share private personal and contextual information, like demographics, location and interaction history. To a large extent, this consumer willingness is something that has been assumed by brands so far. This assumption, in fact, is wrong, according to a recent multinational, multi-industry primary consumer research study. This session will look at how brands can work to prove the value of personalized services to build trust and keep up with the requirements of today’s mobile-first consumer.
Key Takeaways

Mobile is redefining everything. Do you have an integrated mobile engagement strategy? Customers are constantly connected — 177 minutes a day average and check their mobile device an average of 150 times a day. Now is the time to integrate mobility into your touch points.

Look at the opportunities. How can you deliver a Transformative Customer Experience? Think of events that would bring value to your customers. Good, better, best. A good experience is a mobile offer. A better experience is to think about your customer. A best experience, a transformative experience, includes behavioral profiling and allows for interaction at the time of mobile purchase. It exists and doesn’t require a large application. Remember to track your mobile campaign performance and capture analytics. Mobile can bridge all of our assets and it is not expensive.

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Why Content Advertising is the Only Advertising Left
Simon Kelly
CEO North America
Story Worldwide
Key Takeaways
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Ben and Jerry’s CEO recently said that they view themselves as publishers and their agencies as publishers. Find out why he said that, and what that means for the future of marketing. Additionally, is the “Agency of Everything” an unrealistic fantasy or plausible reality? Attendees will learn what it takes to be one and/or what you have to do to hire one. In this session Simon will also speak about why brands need to uncover their unique Story Platform and how it impacts all future communications.
Key Takeaways

Interruption Doesn’t Work Anymore. Today the only messages people see and hear are the ones they choose to see and hear. 200,000,000 people block all ads. You have a choice. You don’t have to watch ads. Do you have a content strategy…or a collateral strategy? How do you make content primary, not secondary? Best content has a story…brand storytelling. Do you have authority to publish your content? We’re going to be producing journalism, not marketing. Find your story…interview your audience.

When creating content, think about:

  • Creative execution across media
  • Digital media planning and buying
  • Measure, track, analytics

What makes an effective brand story? An authentic narrative that only your can own. Then build content around that brand.

  • The Process
  • The Outcome
  • The Application
  • Find the story
  • Craft the story

Tell the story…that’s the process. How does your brand serve your audience? You must earn attention. Brand stories must be good, true, and contagious. Stories must embody the brand and differentiate your story.

Brands are stories… What is yours?

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Why 360° VR Video is the Future of Social Media Marketing
Brian Cristiano
Chief Executive Officer
BOLD Worldwide
Key Takeaways
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If you’re a marketer or content creator looking to engage your audience in an immersive way, you need to understand 360° VR video.

“Why 360° VR Video is the Future of Social Media Marketing” will open your eyes in all directions and shed some light on how you can utilize this technology for entertainment, engagement and sales.

Brian Cristiano, CEO of BOLD Worldwide will explain the value, excitement and execution of 360° video through an in-depth discussion and real-life examples. Attendees will walk away with a deep understanding of why brands need to use it and how to leverage social media to drive interaction.

While 360° VR video is quickly emerging as a new content frontier, it is still in its infancy. Now is the time to get in the game.

Key Takeaways

Instead of filming one angle, 360 let’s you share a variety of perspectives. It’s taking off. YouTube started supporting it last March. Facebook since September.

What makes great 360 content?

  • Immersive…put somebody in a time or place
  • Unique perspective…has to be different
  • A great experience. Give them an emotion

Who benefits

  • Sports teams and sponsors
  • Brands
  • Events
  • Tourism
  • Real Estate

Facebook marketing can drive massive engagement. One in every five mobile minutes is spent on FB. FB Paid Media adds fuel to the fire for 360 Video

  • Incorporate your brand creatively
  • Leverage FB Marketing the right way
  • You can target it correctly
  • The opportunity is now
  • Create great content…not bullshit content.
  • Gaming is the key…Twitch is where gamers go and stream them playing games.
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How to Use Inbound Marketing to Grow Your Business
Rebecca Corliss
Director of Marketing
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Inbound marketing delivers 54% more leads than traditional marketing. There is a major shift in how buyers make purchase decisions, and it is more important than ever for marketers to adapt to this shift via inbound marketing. This session will provide actionable tips for marketers to use inbound marketing to first drive more qualified traffic to their websites and then convert more of that traffic into leads and customers.
Key Takeaways

Marketing is growth. Your goal should always be to over achieving on revenue targets. Growth is sales and marketing working together. What is the obstacle in front of us? Marketing as we know it has changed. Marketing has a lovability problem. Why aren’t marketers seen as positive?

Marketers have been bad. The old marketing playbook is broken. We have trained consumers to ignore us. While watching television, we use commercial time to get a snack. There is email…blocking. To add fuel to the fire, 66% of consumers are on the do not call list. The buyer is in control.

So how do you create marketing that people love? Adopt an inbound philosophy. Make it seller centric.
Our customers start their search online. We need to create content that adds value to their need.
Do you rent or own your marketing? Inbound is an equity building owned strategy.

56% of leads that HubSpot generates come from campaigns that ran months ago.
91% of marketers are using content.
42% say they are effective at it.

What content is good and bad according to your customer?
Market to others as you would want to be marketed to…it’s the golden rule.

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Utilizing Sports to Produce Successful Social Media and Viral Video Campaigns
Ceo Wimmer
Former SVP Global Marketing Partnerships
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Sports provide many of us with our most passionate area within our lives and our strongest place for community. People dedicate thousands of hours of their lives yearly to their favorite sports, teams, and sports heroes. Sports take them to their highest highs and lowest lows every week. Brands can tap into this passion around sports and become part of the daily conversation. During this presentation, we will explore how to effectively utilize sports and the creation of compelling sports content to drive a brands messaging, grow its affinity, and ultimately deliver results to the bottom line.
Key Takeaways

Getting the Consumer to Connect with your Brand.
Solution: Creating viral videos that connect people to their passion. Sports.
You’re trying to get people to love your brand.

You have to enable videos to go viral.


  • Surprise and delight…blow people away
  • Be authentic
  • Stand for more than your bottom line
  • Treat content as brand fuel
  • Create experiences and adventures
  • Make it personal

Make it viral…creating compelling content. Blow people away. Utilize influence. Strategically place content. Evoke high emotions. Make it simple and quick. Be relevant to the brand.

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Reaching the Unreachables
Kevin Lee
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There are lots of target audiences — niche and large — that are a challenge to reach with marketing messages. Millennials are considered an unreachable target audience. They barely watch linear TV, skip the commercials, don’t read much in print, and have ad blockers turned on when browsing. How is a marketer going to reach the next generation of buyers? Many other niche audiences are hard to reach, for example business executives, doctors, and dozens more. The challenge remains the same: find some combination of paid media, earned media and owned media that gets your message in front of your audience. Join this panel of seasoned marketers as we discuss what’s working now for marketers in different segments.
Key Takeaways
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The Trick To Improving Content ROI: Make Your Content 3-D
Carrie Kerpen
Chief Executive Officer
Likeable Media
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When it comes to content marketing success these days, success seems defined as “you get what you pay for” in many cases. Even the best content needs a paid lift to catch readers orbiting at high speeds, and increase view frequency to improve engagement and conversion. The good news is that there is proven method in the mix: a three-dimensional mix of organic curation, creative production and promoted connections. When you learn the tactics to mix all three properly, you’ll get the ROI you demand from your content marketing investment. In this session you’ll learn how and when to take the three steps to catapult your content marketing, and how to evaluate whether or not it’s working.
Key Takeaways

Increase ROI of social media marketing. One trick that will always work in social media…are you listening? If you use social listening effectively, you will save time energy and money. Listen before you create content.

When you create content ask if it:

  • Adds value?
  • Help or interrupt their online experience?
  • Does it make their face move?

How do we really know? Content production: mirror vs photograph. We are drowning in data but staving for insight. We are data rich and insight poor.

Listen For:

  • What is trending
  • How do different targets speak
  • Listen to competitors
  • Listen to conversations
  • Listen to your own communities
  • Listen to forums…google forums for (fill in the blank)

How to Listen

  • Decide what you’re listening for and what you are going to do with it
  • Gain insights
  • Listening in context
  • Don’t speak like your target unless it’s natural
  • Don’t comment things that are totally irrelevant to you unless there’s a clear connection
  • Don’t open a conversation without thinking it through
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Leveraging Data to Master Customer Experience
Patrick Tripp
Senior Product Marketing Manager
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In the past few years customer experience has become a competitive differentiator. We’re all in the business of delivering a personalized, unified and all around amazing experience to customers, one that enables the conversion and ultimately builds loyalty. As we talk about providing an optimal cross-channel experience to customers, a new channel is seemingly popping up every month with the continued explosion of mobile and IoT. This means to more moments than ever before challenging us to “get it right,” or risk losing relevance and loyalty. People today care about how brands make them feel and how much they anticipate their needs. Patrick Tripp from Adobe will address the question we’re all plagued with as digital marketers: how do you leverage data to master customer experience, and deliver the right offers and messages to people across channels, without overstepping that boundary of “creepiness.”
Key Takeaways

There is a data explosion and digital disruption.

What makes a great experience? It should be compelling, personal and useful.
Content is key. Content needs to have context. Content is king, context is queen. Content should be centralized.

Deliver the experience. This needs to be orchestrated. Cross channel campaign management.
Optimize the experience: it’s all about context. Don’t fear the algorithms.

Blueprint for success: data is the foundation, content is your brand, orchestrate & deliver, optimize and learn.

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Influencer Marketing 101 – Most Effective Ways of Aligning Brands with Social Media Influencers
Evan Aaronson
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Influencer marketing is now the fastest growing channel for customer acquisition. 65% of brands now participate, and polls show that consumers trust social media influencers more than a traditional celebrity endorsement. Evan Aaronson, President of, along with is panel of 3 established influencers will help guide you on how best to navigate through this exciting new space. Topics covered include: A) Why influencer marketing? Is it the next form of advertising for the 21stcentury? B) The best platforms to advertise for specific brands – Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope – so many platforms to choose from. How does a brand figure out which is the most appropriate for them? C) How a brand deal works with influencers -through a few case studies, he’ll take you step by step on how the process works. This includes contract points, choosing the best influencers, approving and posting the content, fair rates, and measuring the results of the campaign in Likes, Views, Comments, etc. D) Tips and Tricks of the Trade: Best posting times, running contests, riding hashtags and trends, public appearances and more. E) Other revenue streams for influencers including books, movies and ringtones. E) Emerging trends. What does the future hold?
Key Takeaways
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Daniel Lemin
Senior Strategist & Author
Convince and Convert
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Have you ever suspected that reviews on Yelp, TripAdvisor and Amazon smell a little funny? Prepare to have your suspicions confirmed and your mind blown by the scope of the problem. Manipurated is a hard-hitting look at the powerful and misunderstood online rating-and-review industry – a multibillion-dollar niche business that has operated under the radar since its inception. Outspoken insider Daniel Lemin pulls the plug on the fraudulent, harmful and unethical practices of ratings and reviews companies and gives brands tangible, real-world advice for fighting back and winning. Online reviews are the No. 1 source of prospective customers – if you want to protect and grow your business, you need to know what you’re up against.
Key Takeaways

Online reviews mean a great deal to businesses, as they are considered what customers experience and how they feel during and after the transaction. 92% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase. We have evolved to trust strangers’ reviews on the Internet. 87 % of customers will not consider businesses with low ratings. Reviewing has become a phenomenon in all types of businesses, B2C and B2B, from tourism industry to health care industry. Public opinions, which are very visible, can make businesses feel overwhelmed or even helpless as they feel they have no control over such important matter. However, consider the following facts: 82% of consumers read 2 to 10 reviews, not just 1 single bad review; 69% of consumers believe reviews older than 3 months do not matter; and Google algorithms tend to pick up fresh content (75% of Yelp’s site traffic comes from Google), businesses have an opportunity to turn online reviews to their advantages.

However, it must be acknowledged that “Manipurated” can be harmful. “Manipurated” can present itself in:
 Fake review: as much as 25% of reviews submitted to Yelp are fake, and even with Yelp’s screening, there is no guarantee that they are authentic. Companies/individuals who are in the business of providing fake reviews, may go through extreme measurements to create complete fake personas if needed. However, fake reviews are a zero sum game. They do not help the sellers, the buyers nor the review platform as they distort the implied trust in the online reviewing process.
 Profiteering: Sales Industry calls this practice “Fear-based selling” where companies are forced to pay to even have their voices heard. This creates conflict of interest and results in some real anger against review-and/or-rating companies.
 Reputation Management: Many operate this service almost in a form of blackmailing. The scheme involves several phases: initial contact, offering, and menace. Businesses are pressured into overpaying for opaque offering and receiving bad advices

Five steps to fight back and win in the online reviewing battle:
1. Know where to see and be seen: be aware of online review platform for your businesses and if you are being reviewed
2. Make every review count: treat each review as an marketing opportunity, and it can show potential consumers that you are paying attention
3. Keep it fresh: do not hesitate to actively ask your customers / clients for reviews
4. Show off reviews: mention this to current and potential customers / clients
5. Know when, why and how to seek help: Sometimes, your internal efforts may not be enough to solve problems. Thus, it is alright to seek help from a reputation management company or lawyer.

In short, make it a habit to manage your online reviews. Daniel suggests that the code of conduct should include:
 practice good review hygiene every single day
 take the commitment seriously
 avoid taking review personally
 follow the steps and don’t cut corners

More specifically, Daniel suggests to spend roughly 20 minutes daily to perform the following tasks
 New review: quickly scan for new reviews
 Draft your answers: keep it concise, stop, drop and roll
 Cross-promote your good reviews: promote it now if you find something good
 Review the reviews: to determine what people say and what you should do next.

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Below are the slide decks for all the Master Classes on Friday, May 13th 2016 at New York Marriott Marquis, New York, NY.

Master Classes (On Demand)

Friday, May 13th, 2016

Social Media Marketing Master Class
Ramon Ray
Technology Evangelist
Key Takeaways

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Traditional sales is good – but it’s dead. What works is first educating customers. In today’s digital economy much of that education is delivered through social content. In this master class Ramon shares his proven principles for using engaging content to make sales! Attendees leave with practical insight to take their businesses to the next level using social content. Social content marketing takes time, focus and a plan of action to work and work well – Ramon helps understand this in a simple, energized and humorous presentation. By attending this session, attendees will leave with practical take aways of using social media as a powerful tool for sales and branding. Ramon’s unique take on social media will leave attendees with a fresh perspective and insight on using content (including video and more) to generate more sales in their business.
Key Takeaways

● Tribe building: Twitter chats, sponsored content
● Question: how do you keep building your audience without spending thousands in search/demand generation spending?
○ Answer: Your existing audience needs to be nurtured in conjunction with creating content for a new audience. Mix up evergreen content with fresh stuff; keep an editorial calendar updated; include news of the day (e.g. financial services – write blog posts on recent finance news). Consider using a platform like SproutSocial to coordinate.
● Influencer Marketing = you work with a marketer who has a large following on social sites. There are influencer marketing firms that you can hire to find the right influencers.
● Sponsored Content = sponsor an article on (e.g.)
● Sponsored Reviews = an influencer reviews your product. You have to be very clear with influencer to include your important keywords. This is a risky form of marketing because you are trusting another person to tout your product. You should require a final view of the review before they post publicly.

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Search Marketing Master Class
Kevin Lee
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Paid Search, SEO, Video Search, Directories, Content Syndication, Reputation Management… There are few sources of visibility and traffic more valuable than the search engine results page (SERP). In this 2-hour class, we’ll cover the options available to marketers, as well as discuss how specific marketers should maximize the true ROI of every form of search engine marketing. No single strategy works for every marketer, but there are tried and proven ways to dramatically improve your chances of success. We will keep the session interactive for those who have specific challenges they would like to address.
Key Takeaways
● When figuring out your time as a marketer, ask yourself what is the most important – paid social or SEM? Figure out your KPIs ASAP.
● SEM platforms:
○ AdWords – ad extensions – can help your campaigns perform better
○ Bing adCenter
○ Yahoo Gemini
● Wall Street has reported that keywords and clicks have gotten more expensive over the last 2 years
● Media auctions can be painful – the winner’s curse: there are only 2 kinds of marketers at the top of the PPC search results:
○ Brilliant marketers
○ lucky/irrational idiots
● There are lots of layers in the paid search process
○ Quality score = Google gives to each ad and keyword combo in its system at a specific time and geo (pre-click leverage)
○ Your score compares you against your peers
○ When you have a higher quality score, you have more leverage
○ Every improvement you make (e.g. average order size, shopping cart size, conversion rate, CTR), the max bid increases — think of it as compound impact
● Bid Management: top 10% of keywords spend 80% of your budget (based on 25 client analysis)
○ Long-tail: so skinny and long that it’s almost not worth it to go after
○ You should spend all of your time trying to optimize around your top 10%
● Your top 10% of spending keywords
○ Optimal geography – a person’s geography tells you about your consumers
○ Keyword tells you about intent
● PLA = product listing ads (product SKU, description)
● Long tail = wrong tail: going long won’t work because someone w/ broader match type will likely prevail
● Segmentation = your best tool
○ Do an analysis of day parting based on conversion rate and incremental page views
○ A bid management platform will notice if something breaks
● Attribution modeling = You need to figure out all the other steps the consumer took to click on your ad (e.g. a display ad delivered 20% of impact that led to click and conversion on search ad)
○ Marginal elasticity: does purchase behavior changed based on price? Example: cigarettes and gas are not elastic.
○ What keywords are more or less elastic? You need to look at keyword elasticity to determine bid.
○ A common question is should we bid on our brand keyword (e.g. Foot Locker)? The smart marketers have a different CTA for a paid search vs. an organic search.
○ You should also take into account Microconversions (newsletter registrations, visits to Contact Us page, Facebook likes)
● Geo-targeting analysis: look at conversion rate by geo
● Question: how do you supervise an agency and audit to know they’re doing SEM correctly (e.g. do you look at bounce rate metrics)?
○ Answer: opportunity costs are difficult to measure. You can hire another agency to audit the original agency’s campaigns. Look at quality score in relation to account structure.
● SEO — you need the right site strategy: you need to understand the rapidly changing world of algorithms that dramatically change rankings.
○ Google has made more changes in the last 3 years than in the previous 10 years because SEO’ers are getting more savvy.
○ SEO is a meritocracy – find the SEO “white space”
○ Search engine land: periodic SEO chart
○ Google has changed its search algorithm in the last 3 years to steer away from keywords to intent
○ Google has gone beyond universal search (images, site, etc…) – they look beyond content now; they are trying to guess what your customers want
■ Google imputes Likely Intent = you need to think about what Google thinks is likely
○ No human will know why something ranks (years ago, humans did determine the ranking), now metrics drive the algorithm
■ Relative CTR vs. other results
■ Long to short click ratio
■ Metrics of user engagement on the page
○ Still, you need old ranking inputs (and then layer in new algorithmic factors)
■ Layer in searcher behavior outputs: visits (search, direct, other), time on site, bounce rate, pageviews per session, sharing via Gmail, repeat visits
○ Does improving CTR improve your position? Not necessarily. Take bounce rate into account as well.
○ Every element counts (Moz): did you get organic sitelinks? Is there a brand dropdown? Is the title compelling?
○ Does social activity predict SEO success? Google will look at dwell time, bounce rate, email data, Google G+ engagement. Think beyond clicks and focus on your social presence.
● SEO isn’t purely a marketing function; other groups in your company should be thinking about the company’s search results.
○ HR should think about LinkedIn results showing up in a search.
○ Investor Relations should be interested in showing in relevant search results when people search for stock prices
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Content Marketing Master Class
Daniel Lemin
Senior Strategist & Author
Convince and Convert
Key Takeaways
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Face it: content is expensive. Done well, it requires an ecosystem of resources that might include writers, designers, developers or producers. Why bother with all of this expense if it’s not working for you? This Content Marketing Master Class will set you off down the right path on your content efforts. This class is jam-packed with tactics, tools and techniques that you can use to plan a strategic content calendar, create killer content with fewer resources and make your “back catalog” of content work harder for your business. The class will cover content planning and editorial strategy, content production and content optimization. If you are eager to polish your content marketing efforts in 2016, this is the class for you.
Key Takeaways

● Youtility: Be a farmer, not a hunter
○ Example: Hilton taught concierges how to search for questions on social sites and respond to users
○ Example: Disney Magic Timer app w/ Oral-B
● 3 types of Youtility:
○ Self-serve information: SEO 101, consumer has intent to make a purchase
■ Intercept example: UK app that gives you an eye test and then recommends a nearby optician
■ If you teach better, you sell better
○ Radical Transparency: build trust with your consumers via your content
■ GoodRX site which shows how different pharmacies price medications
○ Real-Time Relevancy
■ Vanderbilt University created an app for coaches to track heat index, weather in the summer
■ New-York Presbyterian Hospital created a public safety commercial on how to do CPR, then created a playlist on Spotify with songs that had the same beat as Stayin’ Alive (you should push on the chest to the same beat as Stayin’ Alive – 100 beats/minute)
● 10 mistakes to avoid in content marketing
1. Not knowing your audience
2. No “About” page – e.g. no information about an e-book
3. Not promoting your content on social (content is fire, social media is gasoline; use social to promote Youtility first, company second
4. Not sharing personal stories
5. Poor editing & typos; Video content should be less than 2 minutes; ideal blog post for B2B side ~ 750-1500 words
6. No editorial mission or voice
7. Content that is not visual enough: people only read 20% of the text on a page. When an image is paired w/ the text, ppl retain 65% of the content 3 days later.
8. Not analyzing data: review your analytics to learn about what people like and don’t like (Google Analytics, email surveys, content shares on social media, hashtag analysis)
9. Not creating relevant headlines
i. 6-8 words are the ideal number of words in a headline
ii. The Ultimate Headline formula: number + adjective + keyword + rationale + promise = ultimate formula
10. Ignoring comments: even negative comments should help your content strategy
● Content Operations
○ The See-Think-Do Model: the master funnel for any content strategy
■ See: Awareness
■ Think: Consideration, Research
■ Do: Conversion, Action
■ Share: sharing activity, public reviews, UGC
○ Follow the 1:8 Rule – for every 1 piece of content, you should be able to produce 8 different pieces of follow-up content (e.g. video based on original blog post)
○ Amplify through Brand Ambassadors: consider paid promotion and content, SocialToaster is a good tool
○ Align with Fan Usage: be where the fans are (e.g. on Facebook – users are on between 7 AM – 8 PM MST). B2B: Sunday nights are peak usage times for your B2B clients for a blog post.
○ Align with Personas: create personas of your customers and align your content to market to them
■ Example: Flowcrete (flooring & cleaning solution) created personas for an (e.g.) janitor and then created specific marketing content to each persona

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Building relationships matter! At DigiMarCon Conferences we have more networking breaks on our program than others. On average there are 8 Networking breaks at each event giving delegates ample opportunities in a relaxed atmosphere to meet others over the 2-days at the event; from 1-hour round table networking luncheons to 3-hour dinner receptions. These networking breaks are set in picturesque locations to facilitate memorable experiences while fostering new relationships. Such experiences include enjoying cocktails and the Sunset over the Pacific Ocean on a private Ocean Terrace in Santa Monica, to being on the Sydney Olympic Stadium playing arena at night enjoying cocktails under the lights, to dining at the 360 Revolving Restaurant at the top of the CN Tower in Toronto for a Dinner Reception, enjoying cocktails on a private promenade overlooking Times Square in New York City, or having fun at the Dazzles Night Club onboard the Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas for a Farewell Party, etc.

Industry Thought Leaders from Leading Brands

DigiMarCon Keynotes, Panels and Master Classes are facilitated by the foremost thought leaders in the industry, from celebrity social media influencers to CMO’s from the largest Fortune 500 company brands that are disrupting the digital marketing industry, such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, Adobe, eBay, Netflix and more. All presentations are pitch-free, and include actionable takeaways, case studies, strategies and tactics, ready to be applied when back in the office.

Premium Comfortable Meeting Spaces

At DigiMarCon Conferences you are never ‘left in the dark’…. literally, in a large room far away from the stage and speakers, crushed in tight theater seating, without even a desk, while sitting in the dark. At DigiMarCon all delegates have premium meeting space in luxurious ballroom well-lit spaces, with comfortable seating with desk enabling delegates to use their laptop to take notes with ample charging facilities onsite in a comfortable space to learn and thrive. All tables are situated close with direct view of the stage.

Value for Money & Generous Discounts

DigiMarCon Conferences are affordable to attend, from single-day event passes up to two-day VIP options at a fraction of the cost of other industry events. We offer significant discounts for early bird registrations. Additionally, on top of time-limited discount pass rates, because budgets are tight, we want to make sure all groups have a chance to attend DigiMarCon. For government employees, students, academic, startups, non-profit organizations and teams, we offer generous discounts off the prevailing registration price.

Collaborative Learning & Audience Participation

Attend DigiMarCon and you become part of the show! DigiMarCon Conferences tap into the talent of the room, drawing from the knowledge and experience of the professionals in the audience. All DigiMarCon events include regular interactive question and answer sessions with speakers and the audience ideal for collaboration, audience polls, along with ice-breaker and group exercises, steered by charismatic Emcees.

Meet the Speakers in Person

DigiMarCon Conferences put you right up and close with the speakers giving you the opportunity to meet these social media influencers which you follow in person. Speakers are never hidden in private speaker rooms away from the audience, they are in the auditorium sitting right beside you and participating.

Exceptional Customer Service

Attending a conference is a well-researched decision. There are many factors to consider such as location, time, venue, cost, speakers, content, etc. At DigiMarCon our results-obsessed Customer Service team are at your service before, during and after the event to help with your needs. It’s at the core of what we do — it drives our business. Offsite, we are ready to assist you via phone, ticket or chat. Onsite at our Conferences, friendly DigiMarCon staff serve as your hosts. They welcome your input and are happy to assist you.

TECHSPO Technology Expo

At all DigiMarCon Conferences is the co-located exclusive event TECHSPO Technology Expo, which showcases the new generation of technology and innovation, including; AdTech, MarTech, Internet, Mobile and SaaS technologies. Be inspired, amazed and educated on how these evolving technologies will impact your business for the better. Access to TECHSPO Technology Expo is included with all DigiMarCon passes.

On Demand Library Access

DigiMarCon All Access & VIP Passes include a 12-month on demand access to hundreds of hours of DigiMarCon speaker keynotes, panels and master class presentations from recent DigiMarCon Conferences, including videos, slide decks and key takeaways, available on demand so you can watch what you want, when you want.

The Largest Digital Marketing Community

Attendees of DigiMarcon Conferences gain membership to an exclusive global Digital Marketing Community of over 500,000 worldwide subscribers to our award-winning digital marketing blog and over 70,000 members to our Digital Marketing Professionals Group in LinkedIn (visit This global community comprises of innovators, senior marketers and branders, entrepreneurs, digital executives and professionals, web & mobile strategists, designers and web project managers, business leaders, business developers, agency executives and their teams and anyone else who operates in the digital community who leverage digital, mobile, and social media marketing. We provide updates to the latest whitepapers and industry reports to keep you updated on trends, innovation and best practice digital marketing.